Xero / Auxo Data Flow
Auxo | Data Flow | Xero |
| New Customers ====> |
| <==Synced Customer Data==> |
| Invoices====> |
| <==Invoice Credits==> |
| <==Payments==> |
Customer Data
Auxo should be considered the master database for customer data, any new customers created are uploaded to Xero. Once a customer is uploaded to Xero it has been synced between the products, any changes made in Xero will also update Auxo data and vice versa.
๐ Note: Email addresses will not be removed from Xero when there is no email address in Auxo Workshop.
Within Auxo Jobs are created and built. Once a job is completed and all charges and stories are loaded the job is invoiced. Invoiced jobs are uploaded to Xero as authorised invoices awaiting payment.
Important Points
Edits in Xero do not update the Auxo invoice.
Changes made in Xero that alter the invoice total can impact the Paid/Unpaid status in Auxo Workshop as the totals will be out of sync
An Auxo invoice can be edited until a payment or credit has been match to it.
Invoice numbers must be unique - if you're creating invoices in both Auxo and Xero you may receive a sync error in Auxo Workshop if the invoice number generated had already been used in Xero
Freight & Discounts will display in Auxo with GST exclusive values (even when the invoicing in Inclusive mode) but in Xero it will show GST inclusive figures. Invoice and GST totals will match, the difference is just the GST basis of these specific values displayed on screen. Example (1) is Auxo, (2) is Xero):
Invoice Credits
Invoice credits should be done in Auxo as they upload to Xero. A Xero credit will not be downloaded into Auxo, but if the Xero credit is matched to a Auxo invoice this will reduce the invoice balance (In Auxo).
Example of a Xero created Credit Note reducing the Auxo invoice balance.
Open image-20240423-232706.png
Payments to invoices can be processed in either AUXO or Xero.
โ ๏ธWe recommend using a payment clearing account to manage payments
Stock Adjustments
A stock adjustment processed in Auxo Workshop will create a Manual Journal in Xero. example below: