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πŸ•’ Time Sheets
πŸ•’ Time Sheets

Comprehensive Guide to Using Time Sheets in Auxo Workshop

Updated over a week ago

Time Sheets in Auxo Workshop help you keep track of your technicians' time on customer jobs and internal tasks (non-jobs). You can either log time manually or use the mobile app for automatic time entries using time clocking.

By using Time Sheets or Time Clocking to capture your labour, your labour costs and invoicing will be more accurate, helping you achieve a clearer picture of your job margins and profitability.

🧭 Navigating to Time Sheets

To access Time Sheets:

  • Select Job Management in the side-menu.

  • Select Time Sheets.

πŸ“‹ Time Sheets Screen

When you open the Time Sheets screen, you'll see a list view that includes:

  • Date: The date of the time entry. Clicking the date link will display the Time Sheet screen for this time sheet.

  • Start Time: The start time of the time entry.

  • End Time: The end time of the time entry.

  • Staff Name: The name of the staff member.

  • Activity: The job or non-job the time sheet is allocated to. Clicking a Job Number will open the corresponding job in the Job Maintenance screen.

  • Total: The total duration of the time entry.

  • Logged By: The person who logged this time sheet.

  • Updated By: The person who last updated the time sheet and when it was updated.

You can filter the list by date and staff member, and export the list as a CSV file.

Removing (Deleting) Time Sheets

In the Time Sheet list, you can click the tickbox beside a time sheet and click the Remove button to delete it:

Removing a Time Sheet will automatically recalculate the associated labour cost from the related job.

✍️ Manual Time Sheets

You can manually log time for technicians on customer jobs or non-jobs (tasks not billed to a customer, such as cleaning or breaks).

To add a new Time Sheet:

  • Click the Log Time button.⏱️

  • This opens the New Time Sheet screen:

  • Select the staff member from the dropdown list.

  • Click into the activity field and either search for a job to link the Time Sheet to, or select from the list of non-jobs.

πŸ“Note: All non-jobs are predefined; you cannot add additional non-jobs to Auxo Workshop

  • Fill in the date, start, and end time

  • There is a section for notes to record any notes you wish to add for this specific time entry.

  • At the bottom, you have options to Save or Cancel.

⏱️Time Clocking

πŸ“ Note: Time clocking is only available through the Auxo Workshop Mobile app for Apple and Android. Read more about our mobile app here.

Technicians can clock into a job or a specific section of a job using the mobile app. Time entries made via the mobile app are automatically added to the Time Sheets area of Auxo Workshop.

πŸ‘€ Viewing Labour Entries from Time Sheets on Jobs

On the Job Maintenance screen, labour postings that have been updated from Time Sheets will appear different to labour added manually, with the Type and Cost & Actual Hours fields greyed out:

These values are greyed out due to the following restrictions to postings linked to Time Sheets:

  • Restricted Deletion of Labour Postings: The checkboxes beside labour postings are disabled, preventing deletion.

  • Locked Fields: The "Type" and "Actual Hours" fields are locked. The "Type" is always set to "Labour," and the "Actual Hours" reflect the time recorded the Time Sheets. Any changes to the actual hours can now only be made via Time Sheets.

These restrictions ensure that the data remains consistent with the original Time Sheet entries.

⚠️ Important Notes:

  • Manual Time Sheets for Invoiced Jobs - Time Sheets can be entered for jobs that have already been invoiced, this will update the appropriate "actual hours" and if no labour charges have been added these will also be added, which will alter the invoice total.

  • Distribution of Time - If a specific service on a job is not selected, when entering a manual timesheet or using Time Clocking, the duration of time will be proportionally distributed to all services on the job.

    • To improve accuracy of time spent on each service we recommend selecting the specific when using time clocking or entering manual time sheets.

  • Cancelled Jobs - Cancelled jobs will not be updated from Time Sheets if you make any changes after the cancellation of the job. Existing Time Sheet labour isn't removed from the cancelled job.

    • You can not create a new Time Sheet Entry for a cancelled job.

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