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Purchase Orders

How to create, maintain and receive purchase orders

Updated this week

In this guide we cover how to create, update and receive purchase orders for stock and for specific jobs (procured parts).

Getting Started

To get started, here are some tips to help you get ready for using Purchase Orders in Auxo Workshop:

Starting Order Numbers

If you would like to define the starting number for orders generated in Auxo Workshop, go to Settings > System Configuration and edit the Purchase Order number in the Number Settings:

Automatically Email Orders to Suppliers

  • Go to Contacts > Suppliers and select a supplier.

  • Click the button and select Edit Supplier Details.

  • Tick the Prompt me to send purchase order emails checkbox

Creating Purchase Orders

Orders Specific Jobs (Procured Parts)

  • Open the job you are ordering for.

  • Click the Purchase List button at the bottom of the Maintain Job screen.

  • In the Purchase List screen, click the Job Parts button to display the list of parts for the current job.

  • Tick the parts you need to order and click Load Parts to add them to the Purchase List.

  • If using Repco Navigator Pro integration, click the Repco icon to order through Navigator.

  • Otherwise, use the dropdown beside each part to select or edit the supplier.

  • To add parts to the job and order simultaneously, you can use the New Line Item button:

  • Click Save Draft to save your progress or Create Purchase Orders to proceed.

You will see the following confirmation that the orders have been created:

Ordering for Stock

  • Click Inventory in the side-menu and select Parts to view the Parts List

  • In the Parts List, select the parts you need to order, then click Add to Purchase List.

  • Open the purchase list by clicking the Purchase List button at the top right.

  • In the Purchase List, select the parts you wish to order and click Create Purchase Order:

  • From here it works similar to ordering parts for a job, except you can edit the Quantity field to specify the quantity to order:

  • Use the Supplier dropdown menu beside each part to select the supplier or use the Repco button to order through the Repco Navigator Pro integration.

  • You can click Save Draft (bottom left) to save progress, otherwise click Create Purchase Orders to proceed

  • A confirmation message will display:

View / Find Purchase Orders

Find/View All Orders (Stock or Job)

  • Select Inventory in the side-menu, then Purchase Orders.

  • The full purchase order list will show orders for stock and specific jobs:

The purchase order list will show the Purchase Order No, Job No, Status, Supplier, Order Date, Due Date and Total Amount of each order.

Delayed Orders Notification

If any purchase orders have not been received, finalised or cancelled prior to their due date, the following warning message will display, with a link to display the overdue orders:

Print a Purchase Order

To print a purchase order, open the Order List, tick the checkbox beside the order then click the Print button:

Viewing Purchase Orders from within a Job

When viewing a specific job you can see details of linked orders 2 ways:

  • To view the purchase order for a specific line item, click the order icon to the right of the line item.

🗒️Note: If this icon features an orange tick, this indicates the purchase order is partially received, a green tick indicates the order is fully received and finalised.

  • To view all purchase orders linked to a job, click the Order dropdown at the bottom of the Job Maintenance screen and select Purchase Orders.

Processing & Receiving Orders

Whether you have opened the order list from within a job or by navigating to Inventory > Order List the process for editing and receiving orders is essentially the same.

  • Open the order list from within a job or navigate to Inventory > Order List.

  • On this screen you can add the Due Date to record the expected date for the order to arrive

  • Edit the order values, including the cost price and quantity received (Qty REC).

  • Use the Receive All button to update the quantity received to match the quantity ordered.

  • If not all items are received, click Save to save as a partially received order.

  • If all items are received, click Save & Finalise to finalise the order.

💡Tip: When working on Job orders, you can use the “breadcrumbs” at the top of the screen to navigate back to the job, just click the Job number:

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